Our take on the two products
When trying to decide which product is better; just remember the main differences in the two products is colour. Quartz has a more uniform pattern, it's a more of a solid colour with little to no movement in the slab. For designers, it's a simple look not busy. Granite on the other hand has the "wow" factor, the statement piece if you will. There is no way to duplicate the beauty of natural stone. Quartz companies have been trying to compete with the look of natural stone's beauty. People will say "granite has too much maintenance", which is wrong. If you choose the lifetime sealer, granite comes with a lifetime warranty against staining.
When choosing, choose colour. Granite and Quartz are the two best products on the market and are really very similar.
"Granite produces radon and Is a hazard to your health"
"Health Canada completed a study in February 2010 of 33 types of granite commonly purchased in Canada and none were found to have significant levels of radon."
- Health Canada Website
Granite vs. Quartz
Let Delray tell the tale
With so many myths, perceptions and misleading information out there. I ask you to please listen to the fabricator of both surfaces. Delray will give the most unbiased opinion on the two to help you make your selection because we fabricate both. Please don't listen to a "jack of all trades" contractor on the internet or a company marketing their product against others. Listen to the people who cut, fabricate and install the product every day and that....is us!
Comparison chart based on our experiences, 1 (low) to 5 (high)